Lions Eye Hospital Parasia Established on january 2009 . with Our Motto " To eliminate Blindness at affordable cost".
A firm commitment to quality is at the heart of all services provided at our centre. Since inception, the centre has continued to uphold the right approach to eyecare A team of specialist surgeons, clinical and research ophthalmologists are ably supported by highly trained staff members. A full array of state-of-the-art equipment and a high-safety environment enables doctors to diagnose and treat eye problems accurately, safely and effectively.
Lions Club Parasia worked from 1991 For Eyes Care
Our Club members were go to the madurai , and get full detail and hav trained for eye hospital project
Finally we Got Money From LCI for opening Eye hospital and we opened a large hospital at the heart of city
Now we are doin Eye transpltation at our Lions eye hospital parasia
Blind from birth to three children of one family has successfully operated